Sunday, 2 November 2014

free Packing Slip 1.0 torrent download

Packing Slip


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Listing the items in a shipment is an essential requisite in both domestic and international trade. Packing Slips app helps you generate, modify, organize and share your shipment details on your device. The app also includes Proforma invoice that includes additional shipping and custom details. The intuitive interface allows you to produce packing slip and invoice on your device wherever you may be.

Key Features:

-Easy to use interface. Little or no training required.

-Input the details like order quantity and ship quantity and the total is automatically generated for you. These fields indicate the size of the order placed and shipped, thus, showing whether the items are backordered.

-You may also include comments on order or for backordered items along with the slip.

-Simply add the basic information about you and your clients along with the specifics of the order in the Pro forma Invoice. Taxes and totals are automatically calculated for you. So there's no extra work. Just add your invoice items and the app does the rest.

Locally save the packing slip and invoice as a file, and re-use it with minimal changes.

Simply tap e-mail to send your packing slips and invoices to clients instantly and get feedback from them. Alternatively, you can email them to yourself.

A seamless app that caters to all your shipping and billing needs.

Record. Modify. Share.

Looking forward to hear from you at

Download .apk

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