New Jersey Turnpike 2013
Travel & Local
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The 2013 refresh of the New Jersey turnpike is now available to all our paid customers as a free update! Please rate us to keep the updates coming!
The latest in the series of Whizkeys Tollroads, now for the New Jersey Turnpike!
Key features:
1. Complete toll rate information for all plaza combinations for all classes of vehicles, available fully offline
2. One glance information on distance from every toll and service plaza
3. Information on amenities available in service plazas
4. Map showing all plazas, distances and bearings
5. Tap on your location to get instant feedback on next toll and service plazas
6. Find out how much you will save by avoiding toll between frequently used plazas
7. Find out how much you save using Electronic toll (E-ZPass)
8. Full support for iPad/iPod (wifi-only devices may not give you very accurate location)
9. And more... just explore!
10. All this for 99c!
Key benefits:
This app WILL SAVE YOU MONEY! Remember avoiding a toll road does not always save money because you may spend more on gas. This app will tell you exactly how much you will save by taking into account the extra distance you will travel. You will potentially save many times the price of this app in just one trip!
Use Whizkeys Tollroads to take the hassle out of driving US tollroads! Plan ahead and know exactly how far the next plaza and exit are while you drive, and research possible toll-avoiding routes before you drive. No more missing an exit and having to pay extra toll!
While navigation applications are great for finding toll avoiding routes, they are not very helpful once you are on the toll road. We decided to build a series of apps designed for specific US toll roads to address this problem. Whizkeys TollRoads are a set of simple easy to use applications that you can use while you are traveling or while you are researching potential alternatives for toll roads. Each app gives you a fully offline quick access to the toll rates, all exit and service plaza locations, and ROI (Return On Investment) calculations to show you how much you can save if you sign up for an electronic toll card. If you have Internet access, you can quickly look at an alternative toll-avoiding route and see how much that will save you (or not) after taking into account the additional driving time and mileage!
This is the New Jersey Turnpike Edition of Whizkeys TollRoads, optimized to run on all mobile devices (phones and tablets). You can run it mostly offline (you may need to navigate the maps ahead of time to cache the map tiles). Please note that wifi-only devices may not get very accurate location while on the road. Please visit for more information and email us at with any questions or feedback!
Finally, please drive safely and do not try to manipulate this app while actively driving. Let a passenger work with the preferences, and happy travels!
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