Days Left Widget Pro
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NOW ON WINTER SALE! Go get it :)
Did you ever forget an important date? Do you want to count down the days until a game or gadget release? Did you ever forget your moms or girlfriends birthday? You did? - oh no how could you!
Help yourself with this shiny new little widget for your home-screen. Never miss an important day again. Set up an daily countdown to new years eve, to Christmas, to your birthday or to a totally random day - just because you like daily countdowns!
If you want to customize the widget you can choose between several colors and overlays to combine them into your own designed day counter!
All of that - for free.
BUT, if you like the Widget please let others know by giving a rating! And if you want to show your love for this widget, you can also Donate money to me by clicking on the Donate button in the Setup view.
- This is a homescreen widget THUS IT IS NOT meant for INSTALL ON SD according to google - Apps2SD will not be enabled in this application, i am sorry.
- You didn't find a way to start this App? Well, that's because it's an Widget not an App - go longlick on your homescreen -> add Widget -> "Days Left" there you go.
- added widgets for size 2x1 and 3x1 to support more information on days left widgets
- added several new overlay icons for christmas, birthdays, cakes, softball and soccer
- added INTERNET permission to change the donate button in a later version to advertisements - Internet is currently NOT USED!!
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And tried Director is team up with Steve Carell for ' Foxcatcher 'to his recent efforts in directing Moneyball were displaced by theatrical Lion King re-release, but that does not mean filmmaker Bennett Miller is a slouch behind the camera Days Left Widget Pro apk free download . Now Variety reports Miller directly Foxcatcher that. In the works for four years, an adaptation of the true story of John du Pont, heir to the chemical company of the same name, which secured a wrestling training facility built as team Foxcatcher of his estate and murdered one of the athletes.
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