Thursday, 21 August 2014

download TorWarn Weather Alerts 2.0 Pro free android app

TorWarn Weather Alerts 2.0 Pro


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***All proceeds through thru the end of the month will go to tornado victims!***

With TorWarn 2.0 you will have access to Tornado Warnings, Severe Thunderstorm Warnings, Tornado Watches, and Severe Thunderstorm Watches as soon as they become available. This application Uploads your position to our server which then searches the National Weather Service instantly for Warnings / Watches / Alerts in your area. If you are in a Warning or Watch your phone will be alerted and you can take the necessary actions to protect life and property.

With TorWarn Pro you can now get updates at much faster intervals. We have also added the option to use a Zip-code instead of your current location if you choose to do so. In addition to Tornado and Severe watches and warnings you will also have access to all winter weather type warnings and hurricane warnings.

*****If you previously purchased this application, or my spotter location application please contact me with your name and email you purchased with and I will get you a copy free of charge after verifying previous purchase.*****

Download .apk

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